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Facilities reopen in accordance with Government Roadmap

12 June 2020

Clare County Council is advising of a number of updates in relation to the opening and operation of playgrounds, sports facilities and library services, following the move to phase 2 of the Government Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business on June 8th, 2020.

Playground in Clare


Clare County Council-owned playgrounds at the following locations are now open:

  • John O’Sullivan Park, Lees Road, Ennis
  • Tim Smythe Park, Ennis
  • Rainbow Park (Coote Park), Waterpark, Ennis
  • Cloughleigh, Ennis
  • Cappa, Kilrush

These facilities had been closed since 15th March, 2020.

Clare County Council will not be providing supervision of the play activities of children or control of access, all of which are the responsibility of parents or guardians, along with the maintenance of hygiene and behaviours consistent with public health guidelines. Signage to advise parents/guardians of their supervisory responsibility has been erected at the facilities. An enhanced cleansing regime will be in place for each playground to the best extent practicable given the public health imperatives applying in the Covid-19 crisis.

In relation to social distancing and hand hygiene requirements, the key supervisory responsibility rests with parents and guardians to ensure compliance. Parents and guardians should ensure good hygiene and sanitation is practised in accordance with Government guidelines. All children should be accompanied by parents/guardians at playgrounds.

Clare County Council is committed to ensuring compliance with public health guidelines to the greatest extent possible.

Team sports

Groups of up to 15, including trainers and coaches, may return to non-contact outdoor training activity (but not matches) while maintaining social distancing at all times. In this regard, clubs wishing to book facilities at Active Ennis/Kilrush can do so by contacting 065-6821604. Please be advised training can only be permitted in our facilities where the pitch/track has been booked and paid for in advance. Card payments only can be processed at this time. Please do not attend at the facilities to train without a booking.

In the case of groups of up to 15 at playgrounds, responsible behaviour by playground users and good supervision by parents and guardians is requested to manage any crowding issues and to adhere to social distancing requirements.

Library services

Libraries are working towards a phased re-opening on 29th June. The contact and collect service will continue in a number of branch libraries until then.

Content managed by: Corporate Services Department

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